Photo by Brittany Cagle

Christine M. Lasek



Love Letters to Michigan - Available from Amazon


"Mothers and Daughters" - Failbetter

"Chicken Shit" - Blood Orange Review

"The Wild One" - Another Chicago Magazine

"Who We Think We Are" - Eleven Eleven

"To the Woman Who Made my Father Mix CDs" - West Texas Literary Review

"Our Ruins" - Midwestern Gothic

"The Makeshift Carrier" - The Magnolia Review

"I Don't Belong Here" - Coe Review

"Precious Blood" - Sierra Nevada Review

"The Elephant Motif" - Coal City Review

"Reaching Imago" - The Bear River Review

"A Biography in the Style of Ann Beattie" - Pearl Literary Magazine


"Stranger Body" - Natural Bridge

"Jury Pool" - sidereal magazine

"If the Clothes Make the Man" (comic) - Sweet: A Literary Confection

"LEFT | OVER" - The Amaranth Review

"Worm Soup" - VIA: Voices in Italian Americana

"Smells Like Moss Man" - Tampa Review Online

"A Sweet Birthday" (interview) - Brevity's Nonfiction Blog

"Champion of Detroit's Arts Scene" (interview) - The Clever Title: The Creative Writing World Made Small

"Fertility Goddess" - The Tripod Cat

Author Interviews

"Barrelhouse Presents the Authors of ELJ Editions: Christine Lasek" - Barrelhouse

"A native’s ‘Love Letters to Michigan’" - Current State

"Troy native describes feeling of belonging in ‘Love Letters to Michigan’" - The Oakland Press

"Crisp Days and Blue Skies: An Interview with Christine Lasek" - Sierra Nevada Review